"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
-Williams Shakespeare

Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life
My Gay Father-in-Law, by Christopher Kaczor at WOF
Kale Pesto Pasta with Roasted Chickpeas, by Jessica at How Sweet Eats
One-of-a-Kind Saint Sharbel Spiritual Center Opens in Pittsburgh, by Joe Bukuras at CNA
A Cozy, Countryside Retreat, by Kim at Desire to Inspire
Trappist Brother Philip of Monks’ Bakery — With a Recipe for Pumpkin Flan, by Alexandra Greeley at NCR
Gorgeous Snowflakes Show Exquisite Geometry and Limitless Variation, at Moss and Fog
Reflecting on Another Move and the Search for Reality, by Jared Staudt at CWR
To Think with the Church, by Anthony Esolen at TCT