"True friends challenge us and help us to be faithful on our journey."
-Pope Benedict XVI

Saint John Neumann - Glorious Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, D.C.
Solemnity of the Epiphany, by Denise Trull at TOH Blog
10 Entryway Organization Ideas That Will Streamline Busy Spaces, at Martha Stewart
March for Life Marks 51st Anniversary in January: Here’s What to Expect This Year, by Joe Bukuras at CWR
This Is Exactly What to Order at the Best Ice Cream Shops in the West, by Blake Bakkila at Sunset
A King Among Fools and Flatterers, by Joseph Pearce at Crisis
C.S. Lewis, Atheism, and the Genetic Fallacy, by Christopher Kaczor at WOF
Chicken Francese, by Jasmine Smith at Food & Wine
This Simple New Year’s Resolution Will Change Your Year, Your Life, Your Eternity, by Patti Maguire Armstrong at NCR