"War with vices, but peace with individuals."
-St. Isidore of Seville

Saint John of God
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life
Death of St. Thomas Aquinas 750 Years Ago: His Eucharistic Testament, by Fr. Gregory Pine at NCR
7 Fast-Growing Vegetables to Plant in Early Spring, by Ryan McCallister at Martha Stewart
Podcast: Anthony Esolen Exposes ‘The Lies of Our Time’, by Emily Jashinsky at Federalist Radio Hour
A Newly Built Cottage in Maine that Exudes Timeless Coastal Charm, by Nora Murphy at House & Garden
Documents Show Planned Parenthood Trades Baby Body Parts for Intellectual Property Rights, by Madeline Osborne at The Federalist
Seven Short but Interesting Videos on Making Medieval Manuscripts, at Medievalists
Weeknight Tomato Soup, at Smitten Kitchen
Toward a Confessing Church, by Francis X. Maier at The Catholic Thing