"To be an object of glory to the eye of God we must possess the culminating virtue, the crown and consummation of all virtues: perseverance."
-St. Bonaventure

Saints Crispin and Crispinian - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago
Supreme Court Will Hear Case on Tennessee Law Banning Transgender Surgeries for Minors, by Tyler Arnold at CNA/CWR
A Playful Colour Palette in a Paris Apartment, at Desire to Inspire
Video: St. Crispin's Day Speech from Henry V, at Youtube
I Tried 7 Methods for Baking a Potato and Found the Unexpected Way I’ll Do It Forever (It’s Perfect), by Anne Taylor Pittman at The Kitchn
Coalition of Faith Groups Side with Nuns in Religious Freedom Case Before Supreme Court, by Madalaine Elhabbal at CNA/NCR
Scandi Storage for Every Room, by Margot Guralnick at Remodelista
Younger Generations Must Have Avenues to Rise, by Joel Kotkin at The American Mind
A Brief History of Our Troubles – and Some Hope, by Fr. Jerry Pokorsky at TCT
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Our beloved Navy Nativity Candle (aka "Christmas in a jar") is back!