"Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility."
-St. Augustine

Saint William of York - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Joseph C. Bambera of Scranton
Fidelity to God: Our Highest Good, by Andrew T. Walker at Public Discourse
Easy Strawberry Lemonade, at Smitten Kitchen
Bringing Harmony and Authenticity to a 15th C. Tudor House, by Elizabeth Metcalfe at House & Garden UK
ICYMI: This Map Illustrates 500 Years of Virgin Mary Apparitions, by Philip Kosloski at Aleteia
Connecticut Bill Opens Door for Pedophilia Protections, by The Ruth Institute at The Stream
Hilarious, Real 1 Star Reviews of Amazing National Parks, at Moss and Fog
Sacred Heart: Love that Crushes Evil, by Kathleen Beckman at Catholic Exchange
LGBTQ+ May Seem New, but It Grew From an Old Ideology, by Carrie Gress at NCR