"By virtue of love is the lover transformed in the beloved and the beloved transformed in the lover."
-St. Angela of Foligno

Blessed Urban V - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Donald J. Kettler of St. Cloud
How We Perceive the Cross Depends on Our Level of Holiness, at Leila Miller
What’s the (Cheesy, Bacony) Way to Say “Hygge” in French?, by Emily Monaco at FOOD52
Blood of St. Januarius Miraculously Liquifies for Third Time in 2022 – Watch the Video!, by Jacqueline Burkepile at ChurchPOP
Leading Toy Company Promotes Trans Agenda to Kids Through Its Products, by Laurel Duggan at The Stream
How to Press Flowers, at Martha Stewart
The Luddite Club, at Althouse
An Under the Radar U.S. Winter Destination — With Great Breweries and One of the Best Ski Mountains in the West, by Maggie Shipstead at Travel + Leisure
Friendship and the Intellectual Life, by Chris Kaczor at WOF
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In the news: Celebrating a Truly Catholic Christmas, by Joseph Pronechen at NCR