"When we pray, the voice of the heart must be heard more than that proceeding from the mouth."
-St. Bonaventure

Saint Sabas - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Earl A. Boyea of Lansing
Hildegard and the Female Voice, by Denise Trull at Dappled Things
We Tasted All of the Grocery Store Eggnogs to Find the Best, by Oset Babur-Winter at Food & Wine
Scythian’s Maiden Holiday Voyage: ‘Christmas Out at Sea’, by J-P Mauro at NCR
The Most Idyllic Cotswolds Villages to Live In, by Katy Campbell at House & Garden
“Please Don’t Listen To This Evil Woman”: Catholic Bishop Warns About Hillary Clinton Following Abortion Comments, by Joe Roberts at Daily Caller
How Magazines’ Advice to Parents Has Changed Over a Century, by Peter Gray at Psychology Today
Devon and USA Pen Pals Still in Touch After Both Reaching 100, at BBC News
As an Advent Lesson, Stress the Importance of the Funeral Mass, by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby at Crux