"Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves...What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment's hesitation."
-Catherine Doherty

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Gregory John Mansour of St. Maron of Brooklyn
Amber VanVickle, Requiescat in Pace, by Carrie Gress at TOH Blog
The Social Illness, by Clare Morell at The American ConservativeÂ
What the Children’s Classic ‘Madeline’ Taught Me About Being an Adult, by Ann Burns at NCR
A Look Inside Fire Station One, a Roanoke Hotel With Three-Alarm Charm, by Steve Russell at Garden & GunÂ
The Great American Rail-Trail Will Run 3,700 Miles — From Washington, D.C. to the Pacific Ocean, by Evie Carrick at Travel + LeisureÂ
Lessons From a Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather, by Juan José Jiménez-Lema at The European ConservativeÂ
ICYMI: Lenten Tastes of Spring: Pasta Primavera, by Emily Malloy at TOH Blog
Aiming for the Toughest Penances in Lent, by David Deavel at The American ConservativeÂ