"Lent is a time for us to empty ourselves of worldly distractions and allow God to fill us with His love, His grace, and His peace."
-St. Teresa of Calcutta

Saint Antonia of Florence
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop John B. Brungardt of Dodge City
The Truth About Alabama's Ruling on IVF, by Ryan T. Anderson at First Things
Dead Synodality, by Fr. Raymond de Souza at The Catholic Thing
How to Style Your Coffee Table, by Kelsey Walker at All Sorts Of
Podcast: The Decline of Christianity, the Rise of the “Nones” and Philosophies of the Person That Shape Unbelief, by Michael Matheson Miller at The Moral Imagination
Crispy Potatoes and Mushrooms, at Smitten Kitchen
Dos and Don'ts of Lent, by Caroline Godin at Epic Pew
Meet Catherine Huss: An Interview with a Catholic Swimwear Entrepreneur, at SD Voyager
Moms Are Like Elite Athletes. Here How I Train, by Helen Roy at The Blaze
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In the news: Podcast: The End of Woman with Carrie Gress, by Helen Roy at Girlsboss, Interrupted