"Concepts create idols; only wonder comprehends anything. People kill one another over idols. Wonder makes us fall to our knees."
-St. Gregory of Nyssa

Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop W. Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City
Cardinal George Pell and the Need for Christianity Today, by Kathryn Jean Lopez at NRO
The Catholic Church Must Free Itself from This ‘Toxic Nightmare’, by Cardinal George Pell at The Spectator
Lulu and Georgia Just Hit Refresh on This West-Coast-Meets-British Collection, by Samantha Weiss-Hills at Domino
The National Library of France Reopens with Renovations That Add 21st Century Details to the Beaux-Arts Gem, by Grace Ebert at Colossal
8 French Sandwiches to Eat Before You Die, by Maria Yagoda at Food & Wine
Make Beauty, Rediscover Humanity, by John Cuddeback at Life Craft
The 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching: Call to Family, Community, and Participation, by Vanessa Crescio at CWIB
The Bravery and Brilliance of Detransitioner Chloe Cole, by Mark Judge at The Stream