"Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home."
-G.K. Chesterton

Saints St. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Joe S Vásquez, Apostolic Administrator of Tyler
Hopelessly Unhappy? Before Giving Up on Your Marriage, Read This!, by Harry Benson at IFS
A Cotswold Cottage Gets a New Lease of Life, by Virginia Clark at House & Garden
The Art of the Acted Word, by Denise Trull at Dappled Things
A 12th Century Tabernacle from Cologne, by Gregory DiPippo at NLM
Avocado, Chèvre, and Bacon Omelette, at The Modern Proper
When Speaking Truth to Power Becomes a Punishable Offense, by Wenyuan Wu at Minding the Campus
7 Creative Hobbies to Take Up in the New Year, by Katelyn Chef at Martha Stewart
Woman, and Women, of the Year, by Archbishop Chaput at First Things
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In the news: Video: Unpacking Feminism's Marxist Roots with Carrie Gress, by Hannah Spier at Psychobabble
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Just in: Acrylic Holy Card Frames