“It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties.”
- Abigail Adams

Saint Grimbald - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Walter A. Hurley, Apostolic Administrator of Gaylord
Ten Biblical Meditations for Making a Good Confession, by Fr. Ed Broom at Catholic Exchange
12 Ways People Are Using Branches as Decor, by Siobhan Murphy at Hunker
The Elite Media's Lingering Blindspot on Divorce, Class, and Family, by Emily Jashinsky at The Federalist
New Website Allows Users to Track Mesmerizing Journey of a Raindrop, by Zachary Rosenthal at UPI
This Underground Mine in Poland Is Home to a Cathedral and 40 Chapels, by V.M. Traverso at Aleteia
A His + Hers Hospital Bag Checklist, by Anna Liesemeyer at In Honor of Design
Consumerism and the Liquefaction of Desire, by Angela Franks at Church Life Journal
Corn Pots de Crème, by Jed Portman at Garden & Gun