“Take advantage of little sufferings even more than of great ones. God considers not so much what we suffer as how we suffer. . . Turn everything to profit as the grocer does in his shop.”
- St. Louis de Montfort

Saint Zita of Lucca - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Why the Assault on Natural Womanhood Robs Women of Fulfillment, by Carrie Gress at The Federalist
A Cross Like Yours: Perspectives on Infertility, by Mary C. Tillotson at Homiletic & Pastoral Review
An Edible Journey with Charcuterie, by Emily Malloy at the TOH Blog
The Economics Behind the Covid-19 Baby Bust, by Ben Johnson at Acton
Everything's Coming Up...Geraniums!, at Coco Kelley
When Your Child Leaves the Faith, by Fr. Sebastian Walshe at Catholic Answers
Podcast: Gardening as Humanizing with Katherine Leaño, by Charity Hill at Bright Wings: Children's Books Make the Heart Soar
What Every Catholic Should Know About Brain Death, by Jonah McKeown at NCR