"God will not allow you to be lost if you persist in your determination not to lose Him."
-St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Saint Claude de la Colombière - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin
Two Families and the Communion of Saints, by George Weigel at The Catholic DifferenceÂ
8 Common Work-from-Home Ergonomic Hazards to Avoid, by Sara Leandro at Lifehack
Video: Actor Mark Wahlberg Talks to Raymond Arroyo About Faith, Cancel Culture, and His New Movie, at Fox News
How Conflict in Marriage Can Lead to Greater Intimacy in Jesus, by Maggie Kim at Blessed Is She
Herby, Brothy Beans with Pesto + Burrata, by Katie Curtis at The Humble Onion
Make Life Beautiful with Hadley Wiggins, at Studio McGee
Joyce, 'Ulysses', and Chesterton, by K.V. Turley at NCR
U.S. Ukrainian Catholic Bishops Urge Prayer, Fasting for Peace in Ukraine, by Gina Christian at Crux/CNS