"We used to build temples, and museums are about as close as secular society dares to go in facing up to the idea that a good building can change your life."
-Alain De Botton

Saint Philip and James - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Steven J. Raica of Birmingham
Obstinate Artists Who Stood Out by Following Tradition - John Singer Sargent, by David Clayton at The Way of Beauty
Practical Remedies for Sadness, by Fr. Narciso Irala at Catholic Exchange
Lost Salads of the South, by Emily Nunn at Southern Living
James Bond, the Spy Who Loved No One, by K.V. Turley at NCR
Stay Home with Your Babies, by Kira Davis at Red State
6 Decisions That Took This Once White Kitchen from Unremarkable to Full of Warmth, by Lydia Geisel at Domino
'Big Questions, Little Answers': A Fantastic New Priest-Lead Video Series, by J-P Mauro at Aleteia
Pursue Truth, Find Her, Then Do Something, by Helen Freeh at The Catholic Thing