Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

All Souls' Day - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Salvatore R. Matano of Rochester
Senator Hawley: Leftists Want Men to Stand Down, But We're Standing Up Instead, by Josh Hawley at The Federalist
5-Ingredient Potato Corn Chowder, at The Modern Proper
An Unlikely Intellectual Convergence, by Blake Smith at City Journal
St. Faustina’s Visions of the Souls in Purgatory, by Maura roan McKeegan at Catholic Exchange
These Are the Best Sleeping Positions to Avoid Waking Up with Aches and Pains, by Maggie Seaver at Real SimpleÂ
What to Do When You Get a Bad Confessor, by Fr. Hugh Barbour at Catholic Answers Â
Home Tour: A Perfectly Autumnal Oasis in CT, by Erin Hiemstra at Apartment 34
ICYMI: All Souls Day, by Jimmy Akin at NCR