"Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand."
-St. Teresa of Calcutta

Saint Crescentia Hoess
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Roy E. Campbell, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington
Court Allows Giant Statue of Virgin Mary To Be Built in Brazil, by Eduardo Campos Lima at Crux
What Horticulture Can Teach Us About Our Path to Holiness, by Delphine Chui at CWIB
Early Icons of Kyivan Rus’, by Alice Isabella Sullivan at Medievalists.net
10 Impressive Brick Fireplace Transformations, by Alyssa Longobucco at Apartment Therapy
Don't Hate the Rich, by David Matheson at Catholic Answers
Easy Make-Ahead Meals that Can Be Reheated in the Oven, by Laura Rege at Martha Stewart
Our Disastrous Failure to Follow the Science, by Anthony Esolen at The Catholic Thing
A Modern French Painter in Love with Our Lady, by Maurice Denis's Remarkable Annunciation Paintings, by Peter Kwasniewski at New Liturgical MovementÂ