"The right question is usually more important than the right answer."

Saint Lydia Purpuraria - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Peter F. Christensen of Boise
Italian Pottery at Bettina Ceramica, by Carrie Gress at TOH Blog
Not Planned, and Not Rejected: How Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Care for Mothers and Their Babies, by Susan Klemond at NCR
A Clean (-Lined) and Serene Danish Family Home, by Niki Brantmark at My Scandinavian Home
Against Triumphalism: Augustinian Reflections on Political Enmity, by Veronica Roberts Ogle at Public Discourse
7 Task Batching Techniques to Boost Your Productivity, by Adrian Shepherd at Lifehack
Why Schwann's Is Updating Its Delivery Options as it Rebrands to Yelloh, by Melissa Daniels at Modern Retail
Two Booze Tiramisu, at House & GardenÂ
Chastity and Charity: The Shield and Sword of Manhood, by Derek Rotty at Catholic ExchangeÂ