"A quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship."
-St. Francis de Sales

Saint Francis de Sales - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Peter F. Christensen of Boise
'Let Us, Then, Be Truly Pro-Life, Embracing God’s Plan for Our Happiness', by Abp. Salvatore Cordileone at NCR
'Hushing the House' – The Decluttering Method That Might Just Fix Even the Most Overfilled Homes, Explained, by Lilith Hudson at Living Etc.
The Volokh Conspiracy, by Ilyah Somin at Reason
Podcast: Great Teens in a Troubled Culture with Dr. Ray Guarendi, by Dcn. Geoff Bennett at Respect Life Radio
Friendship in Heaven, by François René Blot at Catholic Exchange
The Golden Worm: A Short Story, by Grace Fitzpatrick at Joie de Vivre
English Sunday Roast, by Rachel Perlmutter at The Kitchn
Myth and Meaning in the Garden of Eden, at Fr. Dwight LongeneckerÂ