"Humility is preserved when I give credit where credit is due - to God."
-Mother Angelica

Saint Albert Chmielowski - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Peter M. Muhich of Rapid City
Legacy of Irish Teenager who Inspired a Nation Lives on 10 Years after His Death, by Francesca Pollio Fenton at CNA
Scarpaccia (Italian Zucchini Tart), by Marcella DiLonardo at The Kitchn
How Often Should You Really Be Washing Your Clothes?, by Barbara Bellesi Zito at Apartment Therapy
Prayer Is Hard, and It’s Something We Have To Learn, by Fr. Jeffrey F. Kirby at Crux
How to Embrace Maximalism Like an Interior Designer, by Wendy Rose Gould at Martha Stewart
You Don't Have To Be a Tradwife To Fight In The Culture War, by Madeline Osburn at The Federalist
19 Must-Read Books for Middle-School Children, at CatholicVote org
Experience the Transforming Power of Each Mass, by Fr. Nnamdi Moneme at Catholic ExchangeÂ