“Do not try to please everybody. Try to please God, the angels, and the saints – they are your public.”
- St. John Vianney

Saint John Francis Regis - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Robert F. Hennessey, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston
Beauty Will Save the Neighborhood, by Leila at Like Mother Like Daughter
The Art of Femininity in Louisa May Alcott's Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom, by Sarah Schutte at NRO
Greek Chicken and Potatoes, by Anna Theoktisto at Real Simple
A Garden for Mary: Marian Flowers Foster Love for the Blessed Mother, by Amy Smith at NCR
How to Make a Sun Print, by Haskell Harris at Garden & Gun
How a "Culture of Conversion" Transformed a Catholic High School, by Jonah McKeown at CWR
Tablescaping 101, by Louise Roe at Front Roe
On Creativity and Serving God, by Shalom Carmy at First Things
New Supreme Knight Urges Members to Be 'Knights of the Eucharist', by Joe Bukuras at CNA