"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship."
-St. Thomas Aquinas

Saints Peter & Paul - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Paul P. Chomnycky, Bishop for the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford
Supreme Court Decision May Force Young Women to Confront Sexual Reality, by Dennis Prager at Townhall
Easy Steak Fajitas, at The Modern Proper
'The Little Catholic Church on Irish Mountain' Stood in West Virginia for 150 Years Before it Burned, by Jonah McKeown at NCR/CNA
Wokesters Take on Classic Movies, by Bruce Bawer at The American Spectator
America's Most Obscure Regional Pizza Styles, by Alex Mayyasi at Gastro Obscura
The New Victims of Communism Museum Documents the False Hopes of Communism, by Dawn Beutner at CWR
How to Make Your Kitchen Look and Feel Better with These Easy Decor Swaps, by Ryann Miller at Emily Henderson
Separated by Adoption, These Sisters Were Reunited After 55 Long Years, by Bridget Sielicki at Live Action
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In the news: Video: Reclaiming Femininity in a Culture of Feminism, with Carrie Gress, at Integrated with Angela Erickson