"Suffering passes but having suffered lasts."
-St. Bernadette

Saint Sabinus of Hermopolis
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Carl A. Kemme of Wichita
Modern Martyrs of Communism, by Salvatore J. Cordileone at First Things
Corned Beef and Cabbage, by Erin Clarke at Well-PlatedÂ
Mother Cabrini’s Empire of Hope: The Movie, by Sheryl Collmer at Crisis
Cabrini Secularizes a Saint, by Thomas Mirus at Catholic Culture
A Laid-Back Cottage in the Hinterlands of Australia's East Coast, by Fan Winston at Remodelista
Modern Italians Are Worshiping Juno, Minerva, and Jupiter. The US Isn’t Far Behind, by Aubrey Gulick at The American Spectator
Where to See the Most Spectacular Wildflowers Across the West, by J.D. Simkins and Krista Simmons at Sunset
Tree Grafted by Jozef Ulma Planted at Vatican on 80th Anniversary of Death, by Kathleen Hattrup at Aleteia
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In the news: Video: Understanding Woke Ideology & Responding with Grace with Noelle Mering, at The Chris Stefanick Show