"Mary signifies Light-giver or Star of the Sea; for she gave birth to the Light of the World."
-St. Isidore

Saint Isidore - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Earl A. Boyea of Lansing
The Quest for the True Cross, by Regis Martin at Crisis
Large Families Will Save the Planet, by Carlos Beltramo at Population Research Institute
The 6 Top-Secret Spring Cleaning Tips Professionals Don’t Want You to Know, by Kelsey Mulvey at Sunset
How Catholic “Ice Saints” Help Gardeners Avoid Late Spring Frosts, by George Ryan at uCatholic
Did Egyptian Monks Pave the Way for St. Patrick?, by Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture
10 Cottage Cheese Recipes That Showcase Its Versatility, by Anna Kovel at Martha Stewart
What Makes a Good Mother? Ten Characteristics, by Dorothy Pilarski at Archdiocese of Toronto
“To Mrs. Boardman (August 7, 1949)” -- Letters from Caryll Houselander, by Maisie Ward at The Imaginative Conservative
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In the news: Video: Pro-Life Messaging Breakthrough, at Pro-Life Partners Foundation