"There are people and nations, Mother, that I would like to say to you by name. I entrust them to you in silence, I entrust them to you in the way that you know best."
-St. John Paul II

Saint Denis & Companions - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop David Konderla of Tulsa
Letters from the Synod #4, Motherhood and the Power of Vulnerability, by Carrie Gress, George Weigel/Xavier Rynne II at First Things
I Hated Writing -- Until I Learned There's a Science to It, by Rachel Yang at Science
Video: The Biblical Vision of the Family, by Bishop Robert Barron at WOF
These 4 Changes Will Make Your Home Feel Cozier and More Inviting, by Blake Bakkila at Sunset
Unlocking the Secret Devotion: The Holy Face of Jesus and Its Power Today, by Amanda Evinger at NCR
Exhibition Sheds Light on Leonardo da Vinci's Perfume Passion, by Madeleine Muzdakis at MMM
How to Eat Your Way Around the Globe—Without Leaving Philadelphia, by Regan Stephens at SaveurÂ
Why Is Humility So Difficult to Achieve?, by Donald DeMarco at CE
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In the news: Video: The Shocking Truth about Feminism with Dr. Carrie Gress, at Bloeien in VrouwelijkheidÂ